Monday, 22 July 2013

It's EASY!

So as it turns out, for the first 4 weeks of D's life, I fell into habits that I swore when pregnant, I wouldn't fall into.

Rule number 1 - the baby doesn't sleep on us. 
Rule number 2 - we wont be giving her a dummy. 
Rule number 3 - no rocking, nursing or cuddling her to sleep. 
Rule number 4 - if she does fall asleep on us, we put her in her moses basket as soon as. 

Yeah..... clearly we wanted to be the dictator of a child we didn't even know. I think the ideas were sound in most respects, apart from the fact that babies don't really care for rules.... shame really, as it would have made things far easier.

So into week 4 we go. The previous week had by far been my hardest. Week 3, was nothing short or a hideous bitch. I think it was the the combination of sleep deprivation, a baby I still didn't really understand, and the initial buzz of the new baby had wearing off that hit me. I spent most of the week in tears and not understanding why my baby wouldn't sleep. The hardest thing in week 3 was that she never seemed to be awake and happy. She was either asleep, crying or feeding. Very difficult.

So during a nap, I remembered that a friend of mine had lent me some books - maybe the answer to all my woes would be in them.

So I sat and read...... and read..... and read...... and read......

I read until D woke up for a feed. Then once she was in position, I read some more......

I was astonished at how 'wrong' I had been getting things. And when I say wrong, I mean reading my baby wrong, not understanding what she actually wanted on a day to day basis. Obviously her vitals were still fine and dandy so health wise she was fine, but I wasn't convinced otherwise.

I read about the different sounds and cries she was making, and understanding that it doesn't always mean she is hungry (something I was doing a lot, which explained the many sicks we had in a day from over feeding). I read about how to get them into a routine - something I was very keen on doing, but didn't want to stop feeding on demand.
I read about a routine called EASY - which essentially is feeding on demand, but ensuring you read all the other signs of what the baby wants so she is content, well slept and happy.

It goes like this for those of you who are unfamiliar:

E = Eat
So the routine starts with baby eating. Ok I can do that. Still finding breastfeeding tough, but I have stuck at it, and I will be damned if I am giving up now!! Eat... still takes about 45 mins but... but tick!!

A = Activity
This was the bit I was clearly missing. Giving D something to do. Now this can be as small as a nappy change when they are tiny. Or giving them 5 minutes looking at something black and white. Something to ensure essentially that they don't fall asleep whilst feeding, and if they do, they don't sleep for long.

S = Sleep
The bit I found the hardest... and still do! D is a very spirited baby who thinks she might be missing something if she falls asleep. She has always fought sleep, and if I get this bit wrong, I still have a fight on my hands. The key here is to look for signs of sleep - 1 - yawning. 3 yawns and their out!! Start getting ready for a nap. 2 - 7 mile stare. They are looking but not seeing. 3 - The nodding dog effected. Like falling asleep on the bus. This is the bit D didn't like as she would wake herself up with the nod and struggle to get back to sign 2.
Once I started seeing the signs, I found it easier to put her to bed and leave her to send herself off to sleep.... with her newly acquired dummy to save Roger and Lasquisha from being used as a dummy!

Y = You time
Probably the oddest concept after 4 weeks of being attached to my baby. Finding time for me and my husband.... what on earth can we do with all this time..... watch Django and eat chocolate.... done!!

I think it is fair to say that using this routine has saved my sanity. I am still feeding my baby when she wants it, but the way in which her day is run is much for structured and she now knows what to expect when she wakes up.

I know there will be breast feeding mummies who might not agree with this routine, but my personal oppinion is a baby with a routine is a happy one. And D has certainly shown me that.

The journey continues.....

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