But for some reason, I have not been hooked in by the 'must haves' of breastfeeding. There are lots of wonderful items out there that claim to make breastfeeding easier and more comfortable for the mummy and baby, but are they actually worth it?
During the later weeks of my pregnancy I looked into buying breastfeeding clothing, and MY WORD they cost the earth! For something that essentially is a low cut top, or a top with a hole in it, they really are preying on women who feel vulnerable!
So, I decided from then that I was going to 'boycott' breastfeeding clothing and try and adapt the clothes that I had, and maybe purchase some cheaper items from a certain very cheap high street store....
When D was born, I went and got three vest tops which were long and stretchy and adjustable straps. I could wear them under others nicer tops I already owed and it allowed me to not have to show my tummy when feeding. And it works a treat! I have not felt the need to purchase any tops that are designed specifically with feeding in mind, and have saved myself a bit of money in the process!!
So what are the breastfeeding essentials? There must be some right??
Well, like everything else in this world, we have evolved to need things to assist us in our daily lives. Much like not being able to live without a phone nowadays, breastfeeding women might struggle to live without the following bits and bobs:
1: Breast pump - even if you don't plan to express and bottle feed on occasions (worth doing in my opinion to get baby used to bottle) you are going to need a pump to relieve the pressure! I cannot begin to describe the feeling you get when you think your boobs might just explode....
2: Nursing Bra - and a good one at that. In fact, this is the only area where I would spend more money. It pays to go and get measured for a bra when baby is still small, even though you are still
changing shape, you need to be comfortable.
3: Breast pads - you will leak! And those little patches on your t-shirt and not a good look.... believe me....
4: Feeding Pillow - not something I had thought of until D was about 6 weeks old and my arms were aching. I went and bought a fab pillow called a Widgy. It is very firm so you don't have to hold it up, and it means it leaves you hand free!! Amazing!! Here she is modelling ours - the other good thing with it, is that you can sit them up in it!!
5: Good nipple cream - not something anyone wants to think of, but cracked bleeding nipples are quite unavoidable. Most women suffer so get some good quality cream. I have not had to use my very often, but when I have, it has saved me from tears.
6: Breast milk freezer bags (if you plan on expressing and storing) - I was incredibly keen on getting my husband involved with feeding from the start, so I expressed and stored from day one. She is not fed breast milk from bottle everyday, but I have a good little stash in the freezer if ever I feel the need for a night out (??!!) or some other such event. I have got Lansinoh storage bags from Mothercare. When I bought them, they were the cheapest for that size pack (50).
I honestly think everything else you can buy is not worth the money - unless of course you have a small fortune stashed away and you can afford the luxuries.... No .... me neither!!
The journey continues......
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